API documentation

Superomatic API documentation links

API HTML doc - Full documentation for the main APIs and API functions of the payment system.

API YAML doc - YAML file1 for Swagger editor 2 (from which the HTML documentation file is generated)

1YAML fileYAML file for Swagger editor containing a description of the API in the specification "The OpenAPI Specification" (a formalized specification and an ecosystem of many tools that provides an interface between front-end systems, low-level library code and commercial solutions in the form of API.)

2Swagger — is a powerful open source platform that helps you design, build, document, and consume your RESTful APIs. Using Swagger editor you can generate a ready-to-use SDK solution from a ready-made yaml file for almost any popular programming language without writing a single line of code. By inserting the contents of the YAML file into the editor, you instantly get beautifully designed documentation, with the ability to test all calls to the API there